Behind the Mask

How the mighty have fallen!  Even global Goliaths have been brought to their knees by a microscopic organism, the baffling coronavirus.   So does size really matter?  We’ve been told on good Authority that faith, no bigger than a tiny mustard seed, can move the Himalayas.

How did this paralyzing, panic-fueled pandemic start?  Will this plague run its course before we incur irreparable damage?  Wall Street’s bull has been gored by Main Street’s bear as currency runs for cover.  Can laid off workers pay their bills?  Will there be enough food and necessities?

The headline-hungry media fan the flames of fear.  Is the situation out of control? Why is God allowing this dismantling of life’s routine freedoms?  What do Mardi Gras, Halloween, the Lone Ranger, Zorro and billions of us have in common?  A flimsy, surgical mask.

If God is wearing one, what’s He doing behind it?  Smiling?  Smirking?  Weeping?  If He removed His mask to dispel your fears and give you hope, what would He say to you?

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in Me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart because I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33