Fear Is A 5-Letter Word

Too many nations have been ravaged by war on their own soil. In this uncertain, nuclear age America’s shores lie vulnerable to our vilest foes. For some, this draws the drapes of fear over otherwise sunny vistas.
But fear is actually a fraud, a perversion of truth.
Even with rockets or radiological threats, those whose trust is in Christ are invincible. They’re endowed with heaven’s most lethal armament, i.e., death-defying power, unconditional love and the sound mind that gets its orders direct from God’s throne.
Listen to this iron clad guarantee:
“The Lord says, ‘I will rescue those who love Me. I will protect those who trust in My name. When they call on Me, I will answer. I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. I will reward them with a long life and give them My salvation.’” (Psalm 91:14-16)
What’s your fear level?