Good Day Sonshine
Here on the 47th Parallel the sunlit hours are increasing by the day, predictably bringing smiles to wintry-worn faces who’ve had all the soggy they can handle, thank you very much!
One out of five Americans experiences Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) every winter. A wellness expert says sunlight has a greater impact on mental health than any other weather phenomenon. You’d think hurricanes and tsunamis might top that list!
Less sun, more gloom. Not exactly breaking news. John Denver testified that sunshine on his shoulders made him happy.
Will tomorrow morning’s weather be a good barometer of your disposition that day? There’s a 100 percent chance that the One who creates the weather is reliably changeless. What’s more, He knows your name and is crazy-in-love with you! This all-weather Savior wants you to spend the rest of your existence in the warmth of His “Son-light.”
Did you know that even before He spoke the world into existence, Jesus had already taken a shine to you?