I've Lost That Lovin' Feeling

Birthed in L.A.’s legendary Gold Star Studios and produced by erratic genius, Phil Spector, “You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feeling” topped the charts in 1965. As Bill Medley rumbled through the solo, the otherRighteous Brother, Bobby Hatfield, pouted about his second banana role. Further back in the bunch was one of the background singers named Cher.
Songwriters, romance novelists and other purveyors of emotional commerce would have us believe that love is a feeling. As teens, we were convinced that what we had was what Grace Kelly had – “True Love” – while our parents wouldn’t know love if Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe gave them private lessons.
In God’s love letter to us He defines love as an action. It’s something we do for those we love, even if we don’t “feel” like it, or they don’t deserve it. The greatest demonstration of love was when God sent His Son Jesus Christ to the cross to pay the tab for your sins and mine. His love for you and me was an action. Come to think of it, it was a feeling too. If you count the nails, spears and crown of thorns.