R-r-r-r-i-p City!

Portland’s basketball crazies are animated by this war cry.  Having coined it and punctuated untold thrilling Trailblazer feats with it, the hallowed voice of their beloved broadcaster, Bill Schonely, could raze Jericho’s walls, should the Rose City shofar section phone in sick.

With “Schon’s" intensity you r-r-r-r-r-r-r-ip  this month’s page from your Luddite desk calendar. That fires a volley of stress-bearing ordnance across your bow:

1.  Remorse over last month’s unmet goals

2.  Reminder that your days are disappearing

3.  Pressure to be ready for next month’s impatience

4.  And, dwarfing these concerns, “Why am I here?”

“What a gift life is to those who stay the course. You’ve heard of Job’s staying power, and you know how God brought it all together for him at the end because God cares right down to the last detail.”

James 5:10, 11