Unwrapping Your Greatest Gift
What’s your best Christmas so far?
December 25th is the centerpiece of a holiday hat trick. Thanksgiving represents Faith, believing that God has given us life andits blessings. New Year’s is a time for Hope, trusting our future toHim. Christmas is all about Love that moved God the Father to assignHis only Son to leave heaven to add humanity to His deity.
Handcuffed to our sin and destined for separation from God and allthat’s good, we’ve been given a gift we could never earn or afford --God’s permanent forgiveness and acceptance.
Jesus’ earthly ancestors include a harlot, a woman who seduced herfather-in-law, an adulteress and other imperfect people, proving that no sin is too heinous for God to forgive.
His pardon has been freely given to all of us, but like any gift,it’s not yours until you accept it. If you haven’t yet, make this aDecember to remember by unwrapping the grandest Gift of all. “Sin’spaycheck is death, but God’s gift is never-ending life” (Romans 6:23).