Todd Duitsman
Email: todd.tbi@gmail.com
Cell: (425) 343-5040
Todd's Facebook Page
Todd Duitsman
You may be facing a tsunami-sized crisis at this very minute. Nothing you do or say or even pray seems to bring any relief. You’re fresh out of hope and faith, but you’re overstocked in fear. Todd Duitsman gets it. He’s all in with you. He’s been paralyzed from the neck down since July of 2014 when a rogue wave terminated his body surfing holiday, hurling him headfirst into the Maui seabed.
Did Todd turn out the lights and say, “The party’s over?” Not on your life! Ironically, his perpetual smile, laughter and frequent tears are part of the magnetism that draws you to this boyish, early 50’s quadriplegic. Attired in the full armor of God, Todd has learned so much the hard way so that you can face your own calamities with confidence. You could call it “Wheelchair Wisdom.” We all want that wisdom but not via the wheelchair, if you please. Todd would love to hear your story.